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Course Lecturer(s) Venue Day Time
Object Oriented Programming with C++ (CS2138) [Lecture] Mr. Julius Kwaku Amegadzie, Michael Kelly Osei Computer Lab 1 Tuesday 10:35am - 12:25pm Class List
Object Oriented Programming with C++ (CS2138/AI2138/IT2138) [Lecture] Mr. Julius Kwaku Amegadzie, Michael Kelly Osei Computer Lab 2 Tuesday 1:35pm - 3:25pm Class List
Object Oriented Programming with C++ (CS2138) [Practical] Mr. Julius Kwaku Amegadzie, Michael Kelly Osei L12 Wednesday 8:35am - 10:25am Class List
Object Oriented Programming with C++ (CS2138/AI2138/IT2138) [Practical] Mr. Julius Kwaku Amegadzie, Michael Kelly Osei Computer Lab 1 Thursday 10:35am - 12:25pm Class List